On Da Path
Fathers & Daughters
Beyond the 18th Hole

2023 Class

Through the game of golf, The ODP Foundation is centered on bringing fathers & daughters together On Da Path beyond the 18th hole.
We Believe encouraging girls of all ages to play golf, especially with their fathers, will foster confidence in every aspect of life.

~Award Annual College Scholarships
~Support Girls Playing Golf with grants & supplies for camps, clinics, & leagues.
~Introduce girls to the "Game of a Lifetime" that can be played at any age, by anyone.
~Build confidence through golf where every success results from her efforts.

Join Us On Da Path

4th Annual Golf Tournament
May 4, 2025
Adams Point Golf Club
Blue Springs, MO.
This event is open to everyone!
Not A Golfer?
You can still participate!

Make a big impact by being a sponsor! Our sponsorship packages range from a simple donation for the Silent Auction to the "Tee It High" Sponsor Level.
Because your sponsorship makes a big impact on our organization, we feel you deserve the same benefit back. You will find that our sponsorship levels offer strategic marketing options.

Volunteers create endless ripples that impact the lives of others. Your help at the tournament or with pre-event tasks is appreciated.

​Donate an item for the golfer goodie bag, silent auction, or make a monetary donation here.
The ODP Foundation is a
Ask an accountant about the tax benefits of donating.