Let Her Fly!
Put your company in the spotlight as a champion for women at this top-tier sponsorship level! In return, The ODP Foundation will customize a benefits package that achieves your marketing & community awareness goals.
Join Us On Da Path; call Christina Mitchell
*Tee It High Sponsorship starts at $10,000 per year.

Golf for 8
Company Logo on Big Papa Banner
Company Logo + Contact Info linked to your website for one year
Premium Signage at Preferred Tee Box
Company Logo on select Promo Material
Company Logo shared on Social Media
Elite Signage - 32" Round Sign w/
Name/Logo, Contact Info + QR Code
Elite Signage
32" Round Sign with Name, Logo, Phone, & QR Code
Company Logo & Contact info on GolfWithLiz.com for one year
Logo in Promotional Material
Premium Signage at corresponding sponsorship
Premium Specialty Signage
32" Round Sign with your Logo & Contact Info

Signage on
Tables & Buffet
Signage at
Awards Ceremony
Signage at
Putting Green
Signage on
Beverage Cart
Signage at
Vegas Hole Tee Box
Name & Logo on
Golfer Goodie Bags
Signage at
Golf Ball Cannon Hole
Signage at
Vegas Hole Tee Box​

Contest & Hole

Donate items for the Golfer and Volunteer Goodie Bags or Silent Auction. Below are some suggestions to spark your imagination:
Have a donation? Please text 816.365.4146
Donate Items

Every Golfer & Volunteer receives a goodie bag donated by a company, and we stuff the bags with donations from individuals, businesses & sponsors.
Snacks: Candy Bar/Trail Mix/Twizzlers/Nuts
Promo Items: Pens/Note Pads/Koozie
Apparel: Shirts/Hats/Visors
Golf: Tees/Balls/Ball Marker/Divot Tool
Golfer & Volunteer
Goodie Bags

Silent Auction Items bring excitement to the event. Especially, when Individuals get into bidding wars over highly sought after items valued over $75.
Sports Tickets: Chiefs/Royals/Sporting KC/Mavericks/MIZZOU
Sports Memorabilia: Golf/Football/Soccer/Hockey/Baseball
Themed Basket: Sports/Grilling/Gardening/Liqueur/Tools
Golf Gear: Golf Bags/Clubs/Green Fees/Kids Clubs/
College & Pro Fan Gear: Jerseys/Jackets/Shirts/Collectables
Silent Auction Ideas

The ODP Foundation reserves the right to change or substitute Sponsor Benefits.